Monday 17 May 2010


After having written blogs each week throughout the semester I will now conduct a small self evaluation and critical reflection on what I have learned and liked about blog writing. Self-reflection is a valuable tool for it allows seeing both positive and negative aspects of ones work. It is essential in a day to day basis when confronted with business operations and thus an important aspect of “self-improvement” possibilities.

I found it both interesting and influential to carefully analyse different articles related to a single common news story. It allowed me to differentiate between different language styles and the priorities of content and perspectives. I read financial and political news on a daily basis but the fact that this module pushed us further in analysing details, I now can scan over an article and pick up the most useful information quicker. All in all I believe I have learned a lot from “blogging”.

In the world today, every individual is influenced by the media in a way or another. To say otherwise, is a lie. We have seen that different newspapers and journals use different style and therefore different opinions. Each newspaper has its own beliefs and portrays these in its articles, some are left wing, others right wing, and some just neutral in their approach to bring forward a news story. Is it right and/or ethical to give the media such power? Because that’s what it is. The public is let to believe everything the media tells them. The public has no way of differentiating what’s true from what’s false. On the other hand, the media is needed for news to be spread around the world and therefore we rely on them in a certain way.

Although I have enjoyed going through all of these news stories and articles, I have to say that journalism is nothing for me. Who am I to give my opinion about something in public? Yes, I can have an individual opinion, but one should keep it for oneself and not broadcast it all over the world. As stated before, there is a need for the media to be present but what should its limitations be?

This is a very difficult question to answer. The main reason being that there is no way of deciding whom to empower with the rights to broadcast news. I would’ve suggested a governing body over the media but this bring us back to the same problem of having one set group of people in control of what the public gets to see or not so see.

It is with these words that I leave you. For now, farewell.

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